Sunday, April 5, 2009

alalalalalal i love the month of april

i finally finished my maths ia.

and its NOT 1am in the morning hohohoho

contemplating whether i should print it out now or at school

Me: should i print it out at home?
Russell: it is quite large
Me: yeah... i dont want to waste precious paper and ink
Russell: and printing at school IS free
Me: i want it to be pretty and colourful though >_< i need those marks
Russell: yeah, i dont want it to say that im boring

the woes and problems that ib students go through. Screw relationship problems and genital diseases, these are the real-life problems, people =]

its a bit big though.
cos i try too hard.

ohhhh and i met this BOY at church yesterday =DDDDDDD
i think he was feeling nervous around me? i dunno how to explain, its kinda like you can tell theyre looking at you but then theyre not really flirting at you (cos sif u can flirt in church LMAO ohhhh i shook your hand ayyee bby wanna go out ;] ) but then you can really tell and its really obvious they NOTICE you rather than just ignore or not realise youre there... ahah i miss that feeling x]
my sister was like ohhhh he's from STATE HIGH and im like omfg i have to get his name to ask steph to track him down and tell me if he's YAY or NAY so i tapped him on the shoulder [being the nice innocent church girl i am] after church since it was pouring BUCKETS (omgomg typical love story environment right here, girl and boy in rain, girl has no umbrella, boy...) and i was like
"whats your name?" ^___^ *angel face, nice smile whilst hiding evil intentions*
and he sais his name was CUONG i think? but WTF he goes to FOREST LAKE STATE HIGH, anna you idiot not brisbane state high == obviously when you say STATE HIGH it means brisbane state high not forest lake which is kinda like a nobody high school :)
So anyway i knew he was kinda looking but not (ROFL) so that was nice =] unless he saw something funny on my face and couldnt stop looking at it. aha =__=
&he is tall and buff, which is different from the other guys at mass. Who make me wanna cry and stab my eyes out when i see them.

*OH &the reason ive never seen him before is because during easter people who claim to be catholics but never go to church feel really guilty and so turn up in droves =]

i saw this girl wearing shortshorts == but her face was like a 5/6 so i felt better... though she kept starting at me funny. its my face MY FACE theres something on my face! aha


  1. ye im one of those people that are supposed to be catholic but never go to church.. except i never seem to make it to the easter and christmas mass things.. = ='''

  2. hahaha... i do believe that cuong is phuong's primary school boyfriend cause he goes state high and is buff and we see him in the library often... xD
