Tuesday, May 5, 2009


i didnt go to school today =DDD

yet today was still quite a sad one i think.
i was forced to dye my hair back to black :(
i personally think it looks all artificial

fake black hair on an asian. LOL x]
the hairdressers started a long conversation with mum at the salon so they left in the dye for 2 hours lol

so no chance of it 'magically' fading to dark brown AHHH

also, jermie informed me, thru kt's blog oh recent activity regarding SMT, IB, and asians D:

a few more kids have decided to drop out of the IB
of course i have a few reactions to this:
1. ahaha you guys couldnt take it
2. but your asian... you're not allowed to drop out, im disappointed
3. but your vietnamese (particularly to one guy) wtfwtfwtf renounce your nationality now
4. i wish you stayed so i can see how well/not so well you would have gone (im mean i know)
5. kids dropping out of ib in yr 12... asian kids dropping out... Lisa... LISA... :'(

on the upside i got more pictures from steph from cross country. OH YEAHH


  1. tsk. didnt come to shcool today.. ><''


    ye it was pretty pointless.. = =''

    hows your hair?
